Shopping For A New Drum Kit: Do’s and Don’ts

As a drummer, you will eventually need a new drum kit. It’s inevitable! With the wide array of options available for drums these days, it can be hard to figure out what exactly you should be looking for. In this article we’ll look at some do’s and don’ts that will help make your search easier and less overwhelming.


– shopping for an electronic drum kit without any prior experience with the instrument. Electronic kits are very different than acoustic drumsets, so if you’re new to playing, try practicing on a standard set first before making the jump to electronics.

– rushing into buying something just because it’s cheap. You’ll be sorry later when your gear doesn’t sound good or work properly. Cheap drum kits often have cheap components that can really hold you back from playing at your best.

– shopping for a budget kit without considering the quality of the hardware (the stands and pedals). If you’re buying an electronic kit, do not skimp on the pads; they are what makes it possible to play the drums without a real drum set.

– buying an expensive kit that is beyond your skill level and capabilities as a drummer. When you’re just starting out, avoid spending too much money on pricey kits; it’s better to buy something affordable and learn how to play well than spend more in the long run only because you made poor purchasing decisions.


– buying a drum kit that you love. The point of getting a new set is because it should make you happy, not to impress others or fill some kind of void in your life.

– shopping around and trying out different kits from various brands before making the final decision. You should be able to test play drums at stores that sell them, but if you can’t do that then look online to see what’s available.

– trying out different types of kits by checking out the wide variety of options on eBay. There are traditional acoustic sets, electronic drum set bundles for beginners, and hybrid/fusion styles which offer a mix between acoustic drums and more modern equipment.

– buying your gear locally so you can learn from experts who understand the gear and can give you a good deal. Buying online is convenient, but it’s always better to get help from people who really know what they’re talking about when it comes to music equipment.

– buying the drum kit that works well with your playing style. If you’re a metal drummer, don’t buy an electronic set just because it looks cool – choose one designed to handle extreme music.

If you are not sure what type of drums would be best for your preferred genre or if you need any help choosing between different options you should visit the experts at Denver Percussion.

7399 S. Tucson Way Ste B2 Centennial, CO 80112