Is it worth getting a home sauna?


If we all had unlimited choices regarding the luxury lifestyle we want to live, the vast majority would choose to have a sauna inside their home.

Saunas are considered by many as the ultimate luxury item offering stress relief, muscle recovery, and a welcome detox, ridding your body of unwanted toxins.

Unfortunately, the reality of life is that we have to pick and choose the luxuries we indulge in, and for many years, saunas have been reserved for the most well off within society.

However, as with many other modern technologies, advances in manufacturing have led to the cost of home saunas falling dramatically in recent years and is not a very genuine option for homeowners across the UK.

Here are some of the biggest reasons to consider installing a luxury home sauna:


A word that has already been mentioned several times in this guide, ‘luxury’ pretty much sums up having a sauna inside your home that you can relax in at any given moment.

Saunas have been used for relaxation and recovery purposes for many centuries now, and modern science has only reinforced belief in the healing and stress relieving qualities these rooms provide.

Found inside every good spa or wellness centre, spas are one of the highlights of treating yourself to a weekend away. Now imagine having that luxury at your fingertips 24/7!


Home saunas are a great place to reflect and relax and by installing one in your property, you can select from a wide variety of different therapeutic and design options.

By customising your own bespoke spa room, you can create the ideal look and feel that you desire. This is your living space and you have as much control over the aesthetic in here as you do in any other room.

Music, colours, and aromas, they’re all options to choose from and to enjoy.

Soothing aching muscles

If you live an active lifestyle you will be no stranger to the aches and pains of tired muscles.

Home Saunas indoors are a great way to reduce discomfort at least for a short time, and are often used by athletes to aid in post-workout soreness.

They are also perfect for those with arthritis or other joint related conditions, helping to reduce stiffness, increasing flexibility and ease of movement.

Relaxing your muscles is only one way that saunas help ease soreness. They can also actually speed up the healing process by increasing blood flow around the body in a similar manner to that of a massage.


Taking in toxins is an unwelcome, yet unavoidable, inevitability of living in the modern world and many of us use a range of health products in an attempt to detox our bodies and remove as many of these toxins as possible.

There are few better ways to detox than a stint in a home sauna. The heat of the sauna will open your pores and cause your body to sweat, releasing many unwanted toxins such as nicotine and lead.

There is some research that suggests that this type of detox can reduce the chances of getting sick as a result of toxic bacteria within the bodily system.

Improves your home’s aesthetic

Let’s face it, at least a small part of the reason for getting a sauna is just how fantastic it will look inside your home.

Modern saunas are highly customisable, but all are stunning, sleek, and impressive.

A home sauna will make you excited to come home after a long day at work, as well as impressing friends, family, and other guests when they come over for social occasions.

Most importantly in terms of cost-effectiveness, a home sauna will also impress property hunters, so if you do decide that you want to sell at any point in the future, you may find that you get a higher offer as a result.

Cheap to run

Nothing about the thought of owning a sauna screams affordable, but the fact is that running costs are far lower than you might expect.

Sure, older style steam rooms might have an impact on your monthly energy bills but a modern energy efficient infrared home sauna really doesn’t make a major difference.

A whole hour of infrared sauna use will come in under 20p in many cases.

Little maintenance required

Another factor that puts off many people from purchasing a home sauna is the thought of having to maintain it.

However, modern saunas actually required little more than a quick floor wash every now and then.

If you have your home sauna installed with a professional sauna company, the chances are that it will come with a warranty of at least 10 years, so if anything does go wrong with the internal mechanisms, these issues will be resolved without any additional cost.