Childcare Centre Adelaide: The Safest Childcare Centre

Daycares must place safety at the forefront when providing childcare, putting child protection as their top priority and assuaging parents’ fears about leaving their kids in care. This will guarantee children are protected while also offering peace of mind to parents entrusting their kids’ care with daycares.

Video cameras can serve as an effective deterrent and monitor who enters your premises without your knowledge, while providing families with peace of mind by enabling them to check up on their kids at any time. To learn about the safest childcare centre in Adelaide, click here.

Safety Checks

Young children can be energetic and unpredictable. Reaching for items above their height may cause them to slip or trip and fall, leading to injuries even with lightweight objects. Therefore, it is imperative that daycare centres and family childcare homes childproof their buildings, rooms and offices with safety in mind.

Childproofing involves blocking staircases with gates, covering electrical outlets and keeping all cleaning supplies and staff personal items out of reach of children. Clothing with drawstrings should be discouraged to reduce strangulation hazards while food storage areas need to be sealed up to prevent contamination.

Maintaining a secure childcare centre requires keeping up with all required background checks. Childcare security systems help streamline drop off and pick-up procedures by requiring all visitors entering to present valid ID or be listed on an enrolment form for that child. Attendance tracking software also assists staff in keeping tabs on where each child is always.

Emergency Preparedness

A childcare centre must develop emergency preparedness plans to keep its students and staff safe during an emergency situation. Plans should be documented and communicated clearly among staff members as well as include information on where supplies and items may be found. Drills should also be conducted frequently to test out and ensure the plan works effectively – practice makes perfect! The more often emergency drills are held, the easier they’ll become during real emergencies. To learn about the safest childcare centre in Adelaide, click here.

Plan: An emergency preparedness plan should include provisions for handling various situations such as evacuation, severe weather sheltering and lockdowns, as well as how to reunite children with their parents after an incident occurs. Furthermore, safeguarding records and other business information is covered, as is providing for special needs such as mobility challenges or hearing or learning disabilities.

Staff Training

A safe childcare centre requires staff who have received appropriate training in dealing with high-risk situations, such as violent encounters or intruders. Such training will reassure parents and protect children during an emergency.

Staff training should include CPR, first aid, food safety and mandated reporter courses. Furthermore, an effective system for tracking visitors should also be in place so you know who has come and gone from your facility.

Childcare centre staff should also be trained to identify abnormal behaviour or sudden silences from children that could indicate they are in danger, and account for all children under their care by scanning the environment at regular intervals and counting them at set intervals.

Staff with appropriate training and certifications is often an attractive selling point for families and can even be used in quality rating and improvement systems to measure program quality. Unfortunately, however, the correlation between staff education and children’s outcomes may depend on other factors, including area of specialisation, years of experience and professional development opportunities.


Effective data management is key to maintaining regulatory compliance and parent expectations at child care centres, while providing educators with access to accurate information allows them to track children’s developmental milestones, learning progress and more. To learn about the safest childcare centre in Adelaide, click here.

Emergency notification systems can help notify families and staff members quickly of any threats at your centre, from audible alarms, text and email alerts that quickly notify staff members.

Connecticut’s Environmental and Occupational Health Assessment Program (EOHA) took proactive, non-regulatory steps to prevent similar incidents from reoccurring by creating a screening referral form for child day care sites that was distributed with new child day care centres, alongside questionnaires and licensing inspections. Since its development, this program has required only minimal staff time from EOHA staff.