
5 best non-surgical anti-wrinkle treatments

Wrinkles are one of the first and most obvious signs of aging and they often appear long before we are ready to let go of our youthful vigour.

Luckily, as so many people have an interest in keeping them at bay, there are many anti-wrinkle treatments available that can help to minimise and even eliminate them, restoring your skin to the smooth and vibrant surface of the past.

Some cosmetic treatments used to target wrinkles involve surgery, going under the knife whilst a facelift is performed, or permanent fillers are injected.

Whilst these procedures can be highly effective, they are also pretty invasive and most people wish to avoid something quite so traumatic if possible. Luckily, it’s more than possible, and there are a range of non-surgical alternative treatments to consider.


The first treatment option on our list also happens to be the most famous, and the most popular.

Botox treatments involve muscle relaxing injections being inserted into the body, usually around the face, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Botox is made from a protein called botulinum toxin which relaxes the muscles that it is injected into, preventing them from contracting and forming the dynamic wrinkles that are so frustrating for so many. Crow’s feet and smile lines are two of the areas in which Botox performs most effectively but they can also be used to help with neck and lip lines.

An interesting fact to note about Botox is that this substance is also used for a variety of non-cosmetic medical purposes, with its muscle relaxing qualities having a whole range of different uses. These include helping those who suffer from migraine headaches and tackling excessive sweating in the underarm area by preventing sweat glands from opening.

Underarm botox treatment

Dermal fillers

Another incredibly popular injectable used for a variety of cosmetic purposes. Dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid are not permanent, but this is part of what makes them so attractive. This acid is naturally occurring in the human body, meaning that it will dissolve naturally over time and the chances of an adverse allergic reaction are incredibly slim.

Rather than targeting dynamic wrinkles like Botox does, dermal fillers are, unsurprisingly given the name, used to fill in static wrinkles, smoothing over the skin and helping the patient achieve a rejuvenated fresher looking appearance.

Dermal fillers are frequently used in aesthetic Glasgow clinics to help those who are looking to eliminate wrinkles around the mouth or chin.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are used to refresh your skin by removing the topmost layer and revealing the fresh and clear skin below. This treatment sounds a lot more invasive than it actually is and although deeper peels may leave the skin sensitive and a numbing cream may be required, the risk of side effects or serious discomfort remains extremely low.

Chemical peels are most often used to remove blemishes from the skin such as acne scars, uneven skin tone, and dried skin but are also extremely effective at tackling fine wrinkles and the deepest peels can even be used to remove pre-cancerous growths.

If you are looking to tackle deep set wrinkles or sagging skin, however, a chemical peel is probably not the best option for you and you would be better off opting for a dermal filler treatment or a non-surgical facelift.


FaceTite is a revolutionary skin tightening treatment offered at the leading cosmetic clinics across the UK. It can be used to tighten the skin in pretty much any area of the body but it particularly popular for the face and neck areas, helping to remove wrinkles and improve jawlines.

FaceTite involves the melting of fat and tightening of the skin, achieved simultaneously through the application of radio waves to the skin. FaceTite is also known as radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) and has taken the cosmetic industry by storm in recent years.

It is now considered as a genuine and viable alternative to the traditional surgical facelift, with far fewer incisions made and no overnight stay required. Most FaceTite patients report no more than a slight bit of bruising or discomfort after receiving the treatment with infection and scarring extremely rare.

FaceTite is slightly more involved than some of the other treatments on this list, and you will probably want to take a couple of days off work afterwards to let your body recover.

Laser resurfacing

Having a similar effect to a chemical peel, laser resurfacing involves a laser being used to rejuvenate damaged skin and eliminate wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Pulses of light will be applied to the skin in a pre-selected pattern to smooth the surface and promote the production of new collagen in key areas.

Your skins natural healing process will then kick in, minimising side effects and limiting recovery time to a bare minimum.