What Can I Give My Dog for Anxiety?

What Can I Give My Dog for Anxiety?What Can I Give My Dog for Anxiety?

There are many different things that you can give your dog to help increase their mood and general feelings of well-being. It’s especially important to do this if your dog is anxious because it will help decrease the anxiety itself.

Here is a list of some things you can give your dog for anxiety

1. Thundershirt or ThunderLeash

The Thundershirt or ThunderLeash is great for dogs that are anxious due to loud noises. These products work by applying gentle, constant pressure which can help with most anxiety-related behaviors. For dogs that are anxious because of the noise, it can help to bring their anxiety level down. However, if your dog is not anxious due to loud noises, then these products will have no effect on them whatsoever.

If you’re thinking about buying a Thundershirt or ThunderLeash, it’s important to remember that they are only for dogs that are distressed or anxious due to loud noises (thunder, fireworks, etc). Using them for other types of anxiety will not help and using them for anxiety caused by other things will actually make it worse.

2. Calming supplements

CBD oil for dogs with anxiety is a great calming supplement that will help reduce anxiety in most dogs. This is a natural option that has rare side effects and provides immediate relief to the dog. It doesn’t matter what type of anxiety your dog is experiencing, CBD oil can be used as a quick fix for any kind of anxiety.

3. Valerian

Valerian is a great natural supplement that helps to calm down dogs. If you want to give your dog valerian, it’s important that they are not already taking any other type of medication (prescription or non-prescription) because the combination could be fatal.

If you’re thinking about giving your dog valerian, make sure they are not taking any other kind of medication which could be a problem since the combination could be fatal.

4. Meditation or yoga with dogs

Meditation or yoga with your dog is a great way to decrease anxiety in most canines. It can provide them with mental stimulation and energy while decreasing their anxiety level. There are many different types of meditation you can do with your dog, so it’s important to pick the one that seems right for them.

5. Massage

Massage is a great way to decrease anxiety in most dogs because of the positive energy and long-lasting effects that are provided by massage therapy or pet massages. It can provide many different benefits for all types of anxiety and can help to decrease many types of anxiety behaviors.

6. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is an alternative treatment for dogs with anxiety and works very well on most canines that suffer from this problem. It’s important that the dog is not already taking any other medications because the combination could be fatal.

7. Socialization therapy

Socialization therapy is an important form of treatment to decrease the anxiety level in most dogs because it provides positive energy and helps to decrease the anxiety itself. It can also provide many long-lasting effects that are definitely worth trying out.

8. Exercise or activity with dogs

Exercise or activity is a great way to decrease anxiety in most canines because it provides positive energy and relieves stress naturally. It’s important that you don’t give your dog too much activity though because it could have negative effects.


There are many things you can give your dog for anxiety, but remember that these items will only work well if the problem is due to something like loud noises. If you know what type of anxiety your canine is experiencing then you can choose an item that best suits their needs. All of the methods listed above are great options and will help decrease anxiety in most dogs.